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Old 04-16-2009, 11:43 AM   #468 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 965

Jesus, people! Enough with the damned definitions already. It's a sexual experience thread, and there's nothing worse when to hear you guys quoting the dictionary.

Alright, I've a few people to answer to:

SATCHMO: The last thing you should ever expect me to hold back from is sex. I abbreviated "double penetration" just for sensitive e-ears like yourself. You act like you're soooo innocent, though.

Fal: So, I don't know if it's your avatar or what, but you come off a little bit like a Mr. Know-it-all. :p Not a bad thing, though. I personally find it humorous when a male gives cunnilingus advice. Though you were on the right track, there were a few things I (with a clit) could disagree with. First of all, yes, clitoral stimulation is most certainly important; however, depending on the person (and the size of the tongue, I suppose), tongue-fucking is good, too. And if the girl is clean, there's no reason for it to taste bad. Nothing is more of a turn-off then when a guy acts grossed out down there. Also, an easy way to tell if a girl is coming is to feel for contractions. You can feel it on the outer vagina, but more so inside. I can only imagining it's frustrating not really knowing because many women cheat themselves out of it by faking.

Vanilla, oh, vanilla. I always like responding to you. I see you were extremely happy about the DP question. I raise my eyebrow at you, woman. Secondly, the cumming during oral sex. I think that it is amazing, and my heart flinched a little when you said you only came once or twice from it. So, I hope to not offend you (or anyone else, mainly syd), but have you ever had a woman go down on you? Let's face it, we're more sensual and we've vaginas, too, so most of us know what we're doing down there. Also, another tip is penetration AND clitoral stimulation. Some of the best orgasms, girl.

Sorry for the novel, folks, but I gotta get my two cents in.

crash, nothing wrong with a freak. I've personally done the DP thing only twice, but not with two guys and not in one hole. There are such things as toys, too, ya know.
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