Originally Posted by Veridical Fiction
Sexual fetishism - sexual attraction to objects or body parts not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature.
And Boo Boo, I'm not talking about chicks shaving their heads.
And since when is my name Donny? lol. I'm actually wondering about that part.
Edit: I can see where the misunderstanding came from... I was responding to ZZZ when I made that first comment. Your reply was not part of anything I said. 
Originally Posted by Janszoon
You just answered your own question. Because a majority of people like it.
No, you ignored the point. That and you're both wrong in your understanding of the word fetish.
fetish noun (fetishes) 1 in primitive societies: an object worshipped for its perceived magical powers.
2 a procedure or ritual followed obsessively, or an object of obsessive devotion. 3 a an object other than the sexual organs that is handled or visualized as an aid to sexual stimulation; b a person's attachment to such an object.
Fetish has nothing to do with popularity.