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Old 04-15-2009, 04:18 AM   #38 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Your base your opinion off of anger...

you know there have been studies on this and obvious attempts..

Fox Admits To Planting Political Brainwashing In Popular TV Shows

You should do your research before you post.. This isnt the first time you have attacked me either. I am bringing facts to the table to be debunked however you have not doing any debunking.. You are bringing anger since I caught you in a lie... Its ok by the way, I just don't think you were aware of how powerful some of this stuff can be...

Thats why I asked if crap was in fashion would you smear it all over your face... Not to be rude, just to be honest. BTW you can say whatever you want about my $5-$10 stupid quote tees I dont care, they were gifts.

Why else would you buy anything like that. Who declares whats in style? I promise vanilla... Its not you.
I don't want to research anything because this is a bull**** topic and you're just talking rubbish to try and sound intelligent but it's not.

What was I lying about? I'm really not following what you're talking about.

I'm not here to make half assed person attacks like some people here, I couldn't care less what you wear. And when did I say everyone has to be in style? I feel like you're pulling so much stuff out of thin air.
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