let's talk FOOTBALL!!
first of all for all you yanks, it's called football not soccer, but moving on...so that smug bastard lost after all, i bet everybody in England ( well except for Chelsea fans ) was delighted...it doesn't matter, he's still the best football coach in the world...personally i would have preferred if Chelsea won, so we'd have a crash of the giants - Milan - Chelsea ...now that would have been a match...i don't believe Liverpool has a real chance...
P.S.: Chelsea - Barcelona were the best two football matches i watched in my life...that f*ucking Ronaldiño is crazy!!i've never seen anybody handle a ball like that....
p.p.s: a croatian will be playing in the final Igor Biscan...personally never liked the guy and still think he can't play football, he can't dribble to save his life, every time he holds a ball for more then 5 seconds he looses it, and he runs like a giraffe...how he made it to the standard 11 in Liverpool is beyond me...
“Think of what a paradise this world would be if men were kind and wise.” - Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.