Originally Posted by Whatsitoosit
"blind ignorance" was the insult I was referring to. With the analogy I gave before, to just ignore the obvious is to disregard one of our most important human characteristics... "reason". Every time I see verses quoted from the bible the first thing I think of is some power hungry guy in a robe trying to figure out ways of controlling the people around him. Today we call that "the government" and we don't need books to get the message across... today we have the "media". So many aspects of the bible don't coincide with the world we live in today... if it were truly the word of God, wouldn't it be timeless? The parables are good for teaching values and morals for anyone looking to be enlightened by them but so much of the superstitious/spooky wording almost reads like ghost stories which makes a lot of sense considering they couldn't tune into Jerry Springer back then
I know, I'm going to hell... and your all coming with me 
Oh okay I understand what you are saying now.
Yeah my reasoning for not agreeing with the Bible is that I believe the people that translated it from the scrolls to the current version we have today....didn't translate everything properly. They had the power to add/omit whatever they wanted.
All of the verses in the bible are open to interpretation also. Ten people can read the same verse and get ten different opinions of what the verse meant to them, that is why I hate when people try to quote verses to me.
Also another thing is that like you said, some of the practices in the bible are outdated and people don't really interpret it in a way that connects with today's day and age.