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Old 04-10-2009, 09:58 AM   #35 (permalink)
Oedipus Next
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 33


We love you like a sister and you know how much we appreciate what you do as a writer and fan, however I must agree with a lot of what MojoP is saying and so does Alan and Dan -- so let's just let others post to here for a while this way it is more fair to MB too --

Originally Posted by mojopinuk View Post
In a way this thread is a shame, because having just read through most of it it seems that had the thread been cleared and you had put all the various download links in the first post along with a little heads up about who you were and why this thread was here then you would have been home and dry. I don't think anyone really would have been bothered by this if that had been the case and if they had, then they would have been warned and they could have turned away at that point. I say this as I have seriously just sat and read it through page by page and at times the reasons for this thread being here are made to look very questionable.

That aside however it is obvious that you have put a lot of work into the review and into this thread which is always welcome here I am sure. I hope you consider reviewing some bands and albums that you arent trying to help promote in the future as it should make for some interesting reading

Oh and I havent listened to the band yet. Just reading this thread has exhausted me to the point I don't think I could handle it but I may check them out tomorrow.
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