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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 04-09-2009, 12:12 PM   #422 (permalink)
Bringer of Carrots
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Originally Posted by realtalk92 View Post
Whats wrong with liking Michael Jackson? His a great artist. This IS a Michael Jackson thread so you might find some fans here like you might find some fans in whatever section on the forum. Why is that a problem?
being a fan is one thing... denying the obvious and pretending all is fine and dandy in never never land is another. He does need to make a come back because his last album was a flop and his reputation is tarnished... for the King of Pop, this is unacceptable. His ability to be the artist he once was is questionable, so no... he doesn't just need to show up and perform, he needs to make "a comeback". I like his music... I just find the rose tinted blinders some people have on amusing, that's all.
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