Originally Posted by jackhammer
Elijah Wood was a pussy in Green street. Rise is a damn good film but THE football hooligan film is still this:

Ill check this out, not sure if I have seen it before. Maybe Im thinking of The Firm with Tom Cruise.
Originally Posted by Thrice
Where the Buffalo Roam
Rezz might like this one, seeing your avy.
Watched it last night again. I might actually like it better than Fear and Loathing. Bill Murray is one funny guy.
Where the Buffalo Roam is a 1980 comedy film based on a number of semi-biographical stories written by author Hunter S. Thompson. The film loosely depicts Thompson's rise to fame in the 1970s and his relationship with Chicano attorney and activist Oscar Zeta Acosta. Art Linson directed the picture, while Bill Murray portrayed the author and Peter Boyle portrayed Acosta, who is referred to in the film as Carl Lazlo, Esq. A number of additional names, places, and other details of Thompson's biography are also changed in the film.
Yea, this is one of my favorite movies. Much better than the remake with Depp. The story line may not be as crazy but the acting is imo superior.
Originally Posted by Pobodys_Nerfect
If you have an interest in football hooliganism violence this is for you, you think Elijah Wood was hard in "Green Street Hooligans" this one will change your mind.
That movie was fantastic. A real sad yet entertaining story.