This will not be a place to list your favorite movies or about new movies coming out. The point will be to recommend movies that you think other people may like. Any genre is ok, and posting any amount of movies is also ok.
Just make sure you post a picture of the cover as well as a sentence about the genre and basic description. And last dont forget there YEAR!
I'll start with
Alien Raiders(2008)

Just recently saw this and thought it was great. A bit low budget, but that's not what makes a film good or bad. Its your typical sci-fi plot, but with some great filming and creative aliens. If your into this type of action/alien movie then you will definitely like this.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)

One of the best movies of the 90's. Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, one of the best in the business. Great cast including QT, Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, and Steve Buscemi. A simple heist goes wrong in the action thriller.