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Old 04-06-2009, 02:26 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Infinity

I thought I would share's not that great imo but I whipped it up in about 20 mins for this girl that I'm in love with at the moment

Life has lead me to the point where I have realized that time is never ending.
The people that we meet in life tends to cross our paths in the form of a different body.
I feel as though the search for my soulmate has come to an end.
Rebecca, my queen from the country where queensland exists for the sole purpose of spawning majestic royalty.
With my queen by my side I have the power to conquer the guardian of time
Our love transcends the mortal world giving us the power to thwart any adversary.
As we face the guardian of time an epiphany blows through our minds like the final leaf of the fall season descending ever so lightly.
the entity we south to destroy and claim its power isn't necessary for us to exist for infinity
Our love is strong enough to carry on once our mortal bodies have long decayed.
We will consistently meet up again in our future lives.
A romance as great as ours will carry on for....

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