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Old 04-04-2009, 10:53 AM   #1691 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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1. What did your parents say?
If you get inside the dumpster and jump on his head a bit no one will be able to tell he's in there.
2. Why did you do it?
I'm afraid that's a question I can't answer without my attorney present.
3. What the hell is that?
Don't worry my doctor said the swelling will go down in a matter of weeks. until then Iv'e taken to wearing boxer shorts.
4. When will it all end?
Well, I'm assuming as soon as I can think of something devilishly witty to put for the next 2 questions
5. Turn your head 90 degrees left and describe what you are seeing...
"My other bicycle is a pogo stick"
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