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Old 04-03-2009, 05:06 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Hmm...we have something called dialects here which means some parts of the country not only have different accents but different words. This makes it kinda difficult to communicate. That's why I had to adapt and learn how to speak the official dialect which is used in schools and government offices and such. I've been told that I adapted quite well, which means that when I speak the official dialect there aren't any traces of my native one (which is spoken mostly on the islands). When I speak with my island folk and family I use my native dialect so it's not gone, although since it's a commener's language so to speak, if you want to express anything more complex you have to use more and more of the official dialect so the lines are getting blurrier. Plus, there are a lot of words (mostly from italian, incorporated into the dialect. There's a long history of Italian colonizing in this part of the country) which young kids aren't using anymore...or maybe just shut-ins like me.

Incidentally my English comes with an American accent since I learned it from the telly mostly. I don't know how good it actually is since I don't really speak with proper Americans and I've recently learned that I have trouble using more complex words in a conversation (learning a language from the telly means you mostly pick up the basic vocabulary, anything more you get from books which don't come with pronunciation, but that's what I have the internet for. But still, with little actual experience using get what I mean).

And that's more information than anyone needed.
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