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Old 04-03-2009, 09:24 AM   #5 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 965

First of all, I am not affiliated with any organized religion, much less Christianity. To assume that most people on this forum are Christians is kind of ignorant to me because you truly don't know the answer to that.

Now, when we speak of religion, Christianity is NOT the only religion that can be refuted. I view Christianity as the dominating religion - not just over other religions, but (and this is where some of you might feel I'm getting conspiratorial) I believe that Christianity is another tool the (American) government uses to control its people. As a whole, it's used to deteriorate any self-confidence, individuality and independent thinking. I just want to clarify, at this moment, that I used to be a Christian, went to church regularly and attended a Christian school for a year. Needless to say, even at 13 years old, the **** that went on at church services and schools didn't fly with me. It's some of the worse feelings I've ever felt being there. I've never felt more judged in my life than in a church. I'm not saying there aren't good Christians out there. Nor am I saying they are all evil, but much of what I'm getting at is that a lot of Christians aren't typically open-minded to different lifestyles, religions, ideas and people. Another thing I think we don't take into consideration a lot of the times is that these same people exist in other religions as well. This, I know, is an extremely controversial topic for many people, and I'm open to discuss it more. For now, I'd prefer to keep it vague and take a step back and see what everyone else has to say. It is possible to have this conversation without hostility and I'd like to see it happen that way. Lastly, I have a video on religion roughly 10-15 minutes long, explaining the origins and history of Christianity. If anyone is interested, PM me, but I won't post it so soon in the conversation.
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