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Thread: Gender Roles
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:27 PM   #10 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Bane of your existence View Post
Don't get a male acting like a male confused with misoginy. I'm as much of a feminist as they come, and fully believe women should be treated with the upmost respect.
But men acting like men is innate, and vice-versa. This going over the top to act like the opposite gender seems so trendy and speaks to an annoying culture to me.
As far as "roles" in the household go, they are obviously a byproduct of environment. That's not what I'm talking about.
But that's really what gender roles boil down to right? Environmental influence. It's seen most in the workplace and at home, but what you're talking about is a little different than what I perceived the OP's point to be.
Maybe I'm off a little.
I wasn't talking about a manly-man beginning to physically and emotionally act like a woman in terms of gender-specific behavior that's dictated by nature. That's not a gender role.
Gender roles are socially imposed.

The only other socially imposed scenario I can think of is, like you said, fads, which, like I said, EMO.
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