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Old 04-01-2009, 07:40 PM   #1299 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by RezZ View Post
I respectfully disagree. I think it helps open the user up to trying new things and realizing that there is a lot out there that he/she does not know. It make us ask questions such as why are we here...and so on. This give the person a lifelong feeling of perspective. That they are a small part in a much bigger picture.

At least in my experiences it showed me that my own problems shouldnt be taken so seriously, because when I think about I am better off than so many people out there. Also when I am tripping with other people, it teaches me to listen much better and take other peoples experiences and opinions into account.
Oh I wholeheartedly agree with that. I meant those crazy ideas you get when tripping. You know, the stuff that doesn't lend itself to anything but this false assumption of deepness.

I remember tripping one time on mushrooms and some friends and I were talking and I was going off on the comparisons between the human brain and a computer. I thought I was the sh!t because I was coming up with all kinds of intricate thoughts regarding the subject. But when I came out of it and thought about it, I realized I was just stating the obvious.

I definitely agree that tripping can change your perspective of things. I'd said that earlier when talking about acid. It opens doors of perception that you didn't know existed prior to doing it the first time, and for regular trippers, your ordinary views become unobstructed/obstructed while on it and it allows you to see yourself and others in a different way. A lot can be learned from that.

Back to what you replied to, though, I was talking about what you'd call tripbrain. I'm probably not conveying my thoughts effectively. I think it's from all the drugs...
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