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Thread: The Casualties
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Old 05-03-2005, 01:24 PM   #77 (permalink)
Something That You're Not
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Cold And All Alone
Posts: 475

Originally Posted by punkrocklove
First of all you are arguing about Punk Rock with an acual punk who knows whats punk and knows more about you about Punk. And Me I am arguing with you , you are not even a punk you don't know what punk is, and yet you actually argue with me without knowing what pUnk is. Learn what punk is first because if you argue without knowing that makes you an idiot.
Can you say "punk" any more times in this paragraph? And BTW, I'm glad you are the original founder of "punk", know more about "punk" than anyone else on earth, are a great judge of what is or isan't "punk", are a super "punk", love "punk" music, dress like a "punk", eat like a "punk", breath like a "punk", hear like a "punk", speak like a "punk", and are just generally better than any other "punk" on earth, "punk", "punk", "punk", and that your "punk" opinion matters more than anybody else...
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