Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius
5. Don't mind me on this one but if there are two sides to the coin should you ban me for having different feelings than you?? Food for thought
He can't ban your thoughts; that's just impossible. Accusing him of trying to do that is just being silly. As he himself said; he isn't the Messiah. He has no magic powers. He is just a charismatic leader.
6. Before long We wont be alble to discuss these things because the "fairness doc" is about to limit the infomation availible to you via the mass media. That right there should piss you off. You will see this happen not just to the internet, but any form of media.
The Fairness Doctrine isn't some brand new plan that Obama cooked up and it isn't all that mysterious, in fact we had it up until the late eighties. The Fairness doctrine is simply a policy that says news must be presented in an objective and honest manner as opposed to a propagandist and partisan manner.
The Democrats and by extension Obama, haven't even been pushing it anyway. All the talk of it came from conservative pundits like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who were trying to twist the policy for what it really was. Admittedly it's understandable; they wouldn't be allowed to do things like call Obama a Communist, refer to him as a negro or compare him to Hitler.
Anyway your entire explanation of the Fairness doctrine is a lie and shows your own ignorance. It doesn't even apply to citizen's speeches laws or the availability of information. It only applies to how the major media presents that information.
7. Dictation of health Care.
By pushing federal funded health care you will not longer have the options that you used to. You can look at it as a good thing if you want but how can you regulate health care... This will make jobs go straight to hell, ... And by the way my health care when i say my i mean mine not my depns.. SUCKS. Im talking needles breaking off into ppls arms for just a simple hiv test... Multiple stabs to hit the sweet spot since there education on heath care is the same as the sound a fart makes...
Almost of all this makes absolutely no sense. For one jobs are going to hell because the system of health care in the United States is broken and corporations, small and big, are being weighed down by having to supply their workers with health care and the vast majority of citizens can't afford it. Every other industrialized nation in the world has universal health care and they manage to regulate it fine (in fact your first three sentences or so are basically disproved by this point.) Also you still have the same options you use to. You can pretend you don't have health care and avoid going to the hospital when you're sick since this system is so corrupt.
I'd also like to add many people voted for Obama and support the Democratic party purely because of their stance on health care reform and more importantly a more universal system. It's one of their key party platforms and is largely why I lean towards the way the Democrats govern as opposed to the Republicans.
Why would we need that.. I say this assuming you have heard of that.. To take over the resources FROM EVERYONE THERE.. I will finish tomorrow i have to go to bed.... etc btw
We've already taken over the resources from EVERYONE THERE. Obama didn't colonize Africa and enslave it's people, no matter what you try and insinuate.
Now onto a little bit of advice. You need to figure out what the exact thesis of the movie is. I only watched about ten minutes of it and read some things on it and even I realize that the thesis has more to do with Obama being a puppet than the anti-Christ and doer of all evil. For one there is no conspiracy theorist cynical enough to try and convince you that Obama has been active in politics long enough or that he's influential enough to have brought these problems (some of them five years coming, some of them thirty) upon America. However when you read your post...it's not clear what you're trying to argue.
I'd also encourage you to source outrageous claims you may even find this movie is deliberately misleading. Again I only saw ten minutes but in those ten minutes I spotted several distorted points and lies. Right off the bat they started talking about a Civilian National Security Force as if it was a call to create a secret police. Obama was talking about funding and having just as much activity in groups like the Peace Corps (who are no secret police) as in the army! It was a call to be a positive force in your community and in the world and finding out about that speech actually made me think more of Obama's approach to foreign policy then I did prior to this (though I still don't think much of it; it was better than McCain's though.)
Originally Posted by toretorden
What is africon? What is fairness doc? What's up with the national civilian army? You wrote many words, Yukon, but I'm having a hard time understanding all of it. I think you should try and explain it to those not from America. We don't know about all the changes you are going through.
My last two posts before this were actually jokes, but I guess they flew under the radar.
I don't know what Africon is either but the Fairness Doctrine is summarized nicely by wikipedia:
Fairness Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia As you can see it's an old policy (which the American Democrats haven't really pushed despite the Republican media, who are guys like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly, talking about it obsessively) which doesn't really match Yukon's incoherent...thing on it.