Originally Posted by Schredds
dude what the **** are you talking about, that doesnt even make sence, I contradict myself by being here, are you ****ing serious, at least I have enough of a brain to know what is bull**** and know when someone is trying to convince me of something that clearly is being made up by someone who has about the same IQ level as yourself, which in case you havent already found out isnt very high. You can sit there behind your computer and pretend to be some prophet bringing us all this information you know so much about when in fact the only people that believe or agree with what your saying are the people that already bought into all that at the same time you did, I guarantee you this; you are not going to convince any level headed person that what your saying is the way it is. End of story.
You said you had more important things to do with your time i was just noticing one of them.... Music banter time well spent, debating on what you don't believe in.