Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius
yes its why i have an opinion about this... Like i said it is a conspiracy, It could be such a wonderful coincidence or it could be truth. Much like that of what you know it could be a conspiracy as well, that's why its so easy to pass it off for you since one day you hear that there might be more going on then meets the eye...
You should watch the video before you post with the idea that its bull****. Then you can post and attempt to debunk it. Or you could make posts based on what you know. Im not asking you to say omg were all doomed i just figure it couldnt hurt. Also with so many ppl with your ideas it would be even easier to do what you think is bull****....
Like I said in my earlier post, I have much more productive things to do with my time and life, then think about something that I, looked into, learned about, and got enough inormation about to know is bull****. Seriously man, it amazes me. Im not going to sit and watch that video just like Im not going to go to church anymore. I dont believe something because I see it and I for certain dont believe something because I heard it, I educate myself with information on the subject and decide for myself weather Im gonna go with it or not, no one plants ideas in my head, thats not how I roll, and this whole conspiracy theory business is just that; planting ideas in peoples heads.