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Thread: Watch this..
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Old 03-28-2009, 08:44 AM   #10 (permalink)
Yukon Cornelius
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
Well, if you want to educate, then educate .. Don't just say "watch this" and expect someone to spend 2 hours of their day because you think that's smart.

Also, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I do believe in corruption. I also believe in the powers of suggestion and manipulation and they can be used by both sides. I had a glance at the first 10 seconds and already I was being bombarded with it.

There's the ominous spooky sound, then out comes Obama .. Then the words "HOPE" followed by "BETRAYED".

I didn't bother watching much more, but only from that, I could see it was made by someone who obviously wants to manipulate the watcher, perhaps with truth but also by suggestion.
There are actual facts in there. they are important ones... Lets just say that this is going on and you know it is, would you care to watch at that point. I look for crap like this because it makes you think. I don't know, It goes on farther stating that they are rebuilding and strengthening prisons and retention camps because they are preparing for riots and resistance.. I know that once you see the last peice of the puzzle place in right before it starts that you will wish you had some idea of why your light don't come on ever. I know you didn't watch much more why would you, you have so much to do. BTW if you think that it is manipulating you then know that while your watching it. I guarantee that you will be alarmed at the facts provided.
Attempting to find a cure for Stupid...
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