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Old 03-26-2009, 07:46 AM   #10 (permalink)
down the rabbit hole
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: the mountain called monkey
Posts: 764

brainwashing is a type of mind control, they are not one in the same. i dont disagree that one could interpret competitive ad campaigns that target easily influenced minds as some form of 'brainwashing', although i think that is a bit extrapolated. some people are shepards and some are sheep.

your 'higher ups' didnt strong arm you into getting a cellphone anymore than they strong armed you into wearing clothes to work and not having tattoos on your face. to work in nearly any industry there are certain requirements, and if you want a job you have to meet those requirements. there is no conspiracy to cellphone usage, there is a ever increasingly competitive market place and to be have any success you must stay competitive. if that means everyone else gets cellphones to increase communitive capabilities, you must follow in suit or prepare to go out of business. the same thing happened with computers between 1980-1990, and the same thing happened with the internet between 1990-2000. although i dont know why people need to keep explaining this, as jibber did a decent job already.
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