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Old 05-02-2005, 11:47 AM   #7 (permalink)
Anarchy doll
punk rock mommy
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you forgot...I am was a heavy addict...I can get you there for a quaarter of the cost...LOL! Try 50 Gravol, or huffing furniture stripper, or even picking some local Jimson weed! Holy jeez!
but yuck, all that stuff s messed,
I voted E, but LSD is good to.
I only got my hands on Acid once. and don't remember much, maybe it was the mickey of Southern Comfort I pounded back in shots....
I am not much of a "tripper" though. I have had alot of bad things and memorys from my childhood, and the things I see disturb me, so I just stick to getting high.
give me convenience or give me death...
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