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Old 03-25-2009, 12:22 PM   #6 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
I used it as an example. If its for convenience then why is it required. I though i was allowed to have options. I have a home phone and a phone at work, why is it required I spend 60-70 dollars more a month? there are call boxes all up and down the highway. There are also payphones everywhere you go. I would much rather use a free call box, a pay phone here or there and my home and office phone then shell out a wasted 60-70 dollars a month on a phone call that i didnt want anyway.
1. Show me a company that requires it (I honestly haven't heard of one and would love to be proven wrong, it'd make my day)

2. Those call boxes and pay phones you're talking about? They're useful if you need to reach someone. But would if that someone needs to reach you?

None of this has anything to do with TV by the way, you said it yourself the cellphone in the workplace matter is one of convenience

So I ask you should I walk around with a light blub in my pocket even though I have no light socket to stick it in?
Umm, what?

Care to expand on that one?
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