Originally Posted by Molecules
I was dead excited to see this as I've been filling in the gaps on Cronenberg recently, he's the thinking man's horror director.
I had no idea what this movie was about going in and I'm not going to give it away - but it deals with child abuse, parenthood and suppressed emotions all wrapped in a suspenseful, grotesque little package... So them's the themes. It's wonderfully acted (unlike Cronenberg's previous film Scanners) and like Videodrome I think it's dated very well, the budget restrictions aren't too apparent and D.C's infamous effects are consistently great - they would never invoke the same morbid fascination from me if they were rendered in modern CGI. His imagination never ceases to amaze me!
And er... this was another Youtube viewing I'm afraid. But honestly the quality wasn't bad compared to some of the stuff you'll dust off in the darkest recesses of the intarwub... Sharp as you'll find and the sound was great, not bad for £0.00 
If you ever come across this anywhere buy it or steal it. A fascinating read.
Scorsese on Scorsese is damn good too. Glad you liked The Brood