Originally Posted by RezZ
Clay, I know you like Kanye but come on now. He actually has the biggest ego in the entire word. Putting on a dress would give that man a boost in self confidence.
I like his music, I dont particularly like him. But to be honest I dont really care, the guy can be an ego-centric if he pleases, it doesn't impact me in any way. Outside of 808s hes kept the good music coming. Just to dissect your original statement, I dont understand how you can call someone who's always had extremely high commercial aspirations a sell-out. Hell, if anything, 808s was a way for him to get out his intense emotions in the wake of his mother dying and his engagement being broken rather than a stab at making money. The dude was already on the top of the world. He was on top of the world before he even started rapping, being a rocafella in house producer behind a highly lauded rap classic (the blueprint) among other hits. Furthermore, being an egocentric does not make one a bad person, you know how I feel about people who are extremely full of themselves jake, I dont like them, but in no way are they bad people because of that. Kanye may be a baby, and say ridiculous things. But to say the man doesnt care is blasphemy. He was in pieces at bonaroo when he got pushed to a 4 am start because daylight was beginning, and the crowd wouldnt be able to get the full glow in the dark tour experience. Kanye is a performer through and through, one who holds himself to insanely vigorous standards and feels that in reaching them, he excels. Now I completely understand not liking the man (I dont really), and calling him an egocentric (he most definitely is), but to call him a bad person, and to say that doing anything to this guy would fellate his ego ( i mean come on jake, you know egocentrics of his level, and sending them to jail or putting a dress on them would do nothing to further their entitlement) is a blanket statement from someone trying to rally against the common enemy of the mainstream.