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Old 03-22-2009, 02:22 PM   #55 (permalink)
Kamikazi Kat
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack View Post
Last time I checked the Bible in no place justifies a democratic approach to governing a family as your first paragraph suggests. Either way you're still saying that, from a Biblical perspective, a woman should subvert her own will to that of the male. Why? What justification is there for the man to be the head of the household over the woman? That's inequality, there's no reason a woman can't be the head of the household or that they can't, shock-shock, govern it as equal authority figures. You didn't even counter that inherent sexism in that biblical logic you only softened up it up.

I'd also like you to explain 1 Timothy 2:9-15, which teaches that woman should never be allowed to teach, must learn in complete silence and are never superior to men under any circumstances.
I agree with this. This happens with my mom alot too. If I express any dislike toward the bible or christianity, she will soften it up and end with this whole "that shouldn't stop you from being a christain" or "its not that bad" She still thinks I'm a christain, but that may because I've never told her. I don't want to upset her. I often get stuff from her like "well its not like that at our church! Sure they want you to do this or this but that isn't going to stop you from playing your violent video games or whatever it is you like to do." Another example is when I was talking to somebody at my school on the topic of homosexuality and religion and he has this whole "Oh we allow homosexuals at the church, we just encourage that they not be homosexual," acting like that puts the arguement to rest or something.
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