As the compilation earlier in the month was very successful we are having another squeezed in. Celebrating Janszoon's, Molecules, Anticipation , Lucifer Sam's and my own birthday within the month of March.
Many thanks to all who contributed and contributions for April are now open.
1. Marjorie Fair - Don't Believe
2. White Noise - Love Without Sound
3. Elvind Aarset - Entrance/ U - Bahn
4. The Residents - Birthday Boy
5. Manic Street Preachers - Of Walking Abortion
6. Baaba Maal - Loodo
7. moe. - Tailspin
8. Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson - Cleanhead Blues
9. Professor Longhair - Big Chief
10. Ludichrist - Games Once Played
11. John Kirkpatrick - John Kirkpatrick: A lord Of St
12. Macelleria Mobile De Mezzanotte - L'ultimo Vero Bacio
13. Charlotte Hatherly - Very Young
14. Jerry Reed - The Bird
15. The Countdown - Human Rescourses
16. The 6ths - Oahu

There isa flac file but i'm not sure if that was included as it's not showing up on my player so I have left it out of these tracklistings. Could someone LMK when they download it whether there is a flac file please?