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Old 03-18-2009, 12:00 AM   #8 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post

I've listened to this stuff since I was 7 bro. I assure you it is neither the explitive that you chose to post nor ignorance my friend. Just an unbringing that surrounded me with alot of traditional country. So I'm going to brush this little comment off and call ignorance on your part, because frankly, you're the one who seems to be talking about something you know nothing about. Furthermore, if you have anything constructive to say, I would love to discuss country music with you sometime.

Thats a great list btw.

Nickel Creek is great live. Their mandolin player is sick.

Drive by Truckers are a band that my friend swears by, I have 'The Dirty South' on a burnt copy and I really dig that. I thank my friend for enlightening me.

Hank Williams III came through San Diego not too long ago and i'm ashamed to say I didn't attend. His music is solid and I have heard his shows are quite the crowd pleaser.
While I'll admit you have experience on me in this particular genre, but this time last year I was very anti country and now I cannot get enough of it. It wasn't Johnny Cash or Hank Williams that began my love affair but bands like Elliott BROOD, Those Poor Bastards, Nickel Creek, and Corb Lund, which would suggest that these groups must to be doing something right to make someone do a complete 180 on their opinion of a genre of music. I apologize for calling you ignorant, however I believe that if you truly love a genre, you'll continue to dig for the good stuff. However I am not one to preach and if you're happy with the music you have, then the more power to you.
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