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Old 03-17-2009, 05:51 AM   #8 (permalink)
daddy don't
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like PMO i was smacked by my dad (very rarely, if i had been keeping count it probably wouldn't have been more than 15 times lol), and it certainly wasn't 'beating', that would imply repetitive and unneccessary use of force on a defenseless child to me. It was over the knee, smack, done. It seems society is divided right down the middle on this kind of treatment, people that didn't get it think it's redundant and old fashioned.

These smacks were infrequent enough to stop me from being a little bastard most of the time, I really don't remember much about the circumstances as it was such a long time ago, but I know my dad never had any bad intentions and I have always respected him unequivocally. I mean as we grow older we all come to realise our parents were human all along and as humans would occasionally lose it, but I think the right for level-headed parents to discipline their own children is up to them, it's the government poking their noses into people's private lives once again.

But I'm ambiguous as I'm fully aware there are alot of bad parents out there, immature parents, even dangerous ones. I'm sure the figures out there for child abuse are staggering. I don't know. It seems like such a minor thing but I don't know if I'd have had the same respect for my parents if those consequences for being a little sh*tbag were not there?

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