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Old 03-15-2009, 04:29 PM   #70 (permalink)
Wifey Boozer
Meanie McFeany
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Do you honestly believe that the Mayan civilization and Nostradamus, would know better than modern astronomy and NASA? Who have historical evidence of astronomical events and telescopes and everything at their disposal?
I bet Nostradamus knows more about the time period he lived in than NASA does. NASA is NASA, don't get me wrong. But don't ask an English teacher a Math question. (Yes, I'm a socialist.) What I'm trying to say... NASA knows their ****, no doubt. But what you neglect here, is what people, or NASA, or the government, possibly is not telling us. I don't believe 2012 will end the world. But I believe the world is not getting better. I give the Mayans and Nos their props for being them in the time periods they lived in. But your question I'm assuming is, who do I think is more credible? Well. I think Nostradamus knows more about his time period than anybody who lives in this one. And I wouldn't ask my English teacher to explain E=mc2.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
I'm now going to repeat myself: "the boogie man isn't real, kids." Never in history has the Bible, Torrah, or Qu'ran, or Nostradamus, or superstition, "faith", psychic predictions, Jerry Falwell or the Mayans predicted anything more accurately than what can be attributed to observation or simple chance.
Well, I disagree. It's all a matter of how one percieves all that's being put out there. Of course you've heard the famous Nos prediction "fire in the sky, world will end" connected to the world trade centers and 9/11? And the hiter/Hitler thing?

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
You're not going to feel anything from Obama because the stimulus package hasn't taken effect yet. You won't get a tax break until April 1st (tax day is April 15th) so you'll feel something then, and of course when the stimulus package starts to actually take effect. For someone who supposedly watches the news you should know this.
That's not necessarily true. If someone's poor, they're poor, and maybe they can't be helped, no matter how many tax breaks they get, or how many hands reach out to them. Not saying I'm in a posistion like that, but many are. In the world as well as America.

... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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