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Old 03-15-2009, 04:28 PM   #69 (permalink)
Wifey Boozer
Meanie McFeany
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Originally Posted by sleepy jack
I haven't paid much attention to the specifics of this issue as I thought, and still think, it's utter bull****. That and I've never had much faith in the Mayan calendar or Nostradamus. I'm sure with a little googling I could find all I need to know but everyone, including you, let's think critically think this.
So why are you here? I'm don't mean to veer this conversation toward a personal attack, though I feel as if when a member posts something you disagree with, you feel the need attack them as if you've been threatened or something. But let's get into this 2012 thing then...

... never had much faith in the Mayan calendar on Nostradamus...
Why? It just seems fishy to me personally that brilliant astronomer's such as the Mayans, so advanced for their time, came up with these theories, these "predictions", scribbled them on walls in ways God knows how people have interpreted them, and then X amount of centuries later, Nos shows up with his ramblings that so closely resemble that of the Mayans, before they had been interpreted likewise. Since the beginning of the homosapian life, we've found scribblings on cave walls, of "UFOs", "gods", what have you. Different religions throughout the centuries, even before cultural diffusion and crusades... all, perhaps with the exception of very little, having something in common: Predictions of the end of days, some kind of worship of a higher power, etc. Isn't that a big coincedence? Or is it the same thing as the government thing... people couldn't control and govern themselves so they needed a higher power to do it for them. Since the beginning of time, people have wanted answers and seeked them, perhaps with paranoia that wasn't so off-the-wall or far-fetched. On the same note, is it not a coincedence then, that when people were, getting sick of the church (per se), government became "stronger", resembling more what it is today. Stalin had a country of atheists.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
First off, when has this happened before? When has there been mass extinction? On who? Humans? Why are we still here today then if we were all extinct? Evolution managed to produce mankind twice just in time to wiped out? Or are we talking all species; in which case how is there life on planets? Sources please.
To answer your questions, I went searching. Where I originally heard the 26,000 theory was on The History Channel... I've found the link to the entire documentary (if that's what you want to call it) on youtube, if you wanna go through and find the scientist/astronomer/philosopher's name that said the 26,000 year thing. YouTube - nostradamus 2012 history channel . He wasn't under oath or anything, but I didn't have a conspiracy against the History Channel until just 5 minuets ago when it made me look like an *******.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Secondly, where did you get your information that the sun, moon, earth and the Milky way would all align in 2012? Is this even possible? The universe isn't a perfect sphere, you can't draw a perfect equator line through it. It's an irregular grouping of stars, gases, and dust. The line we have, the galactic equator, is completely arbitrary, so basing this off that would completely foolish as it's something man-made and has no effect on anything other than the human hubris.
The alignment thing is from astrologer John Jenkins, who claims that in2012 there will be "an extremely close conjunction of the northern hemisphere winter solstice sun with the crossing point of the Galactic equator and the ecliptic". The Milky Way thing is mentioned in great detail, here: Strange Rumblings at the Center of our Galaxy, not where I heard it, but explains it better than I do and is what I'm essentially trying to say about that.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Thirdly, where did you found out about these three eclipses? NASA has reported no such information and they have information going for thousands of years and predictions on these sorts of things. I'd be interested to see which source has more intelligence and know how than NASA, who have some of the smartest people in the world at their disposal.
Again, didn't have a conspiracy theory against the History Channel until 5 minuets ago... but on the contrary, a big thanks to Ken E. from yahoo answers, who also makes me personally looks like an *******, but provides some answers.

Originally Posted by Ken E
There will be a transit of Venus in June 2012, just as there was in 2004. Note, June, not December. Transits of Venus across the face of the Sun happen eight years apart, then not for over a hundred years. At the present moment, Venus is getting close to being between Earth and the Sun and will be fairly close to us in several weeks time. However because the orbit of Venus is in a slightly different plane to that of the Earth, Venus will not be directly in line this time round....
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Fourthly, how will these solar eclipses cause a loss of technology? They haven't done any such thing before, it's unprecedented. Once again, sources, sources, sources.
It was said, that during this "blackening eclipse", or one of them, the Earth would be just so in the alignment of the universe so that gravity would somehow (I'm not a scientist, I'm paraphrasing, surely you don't expect me to explain E-mc2 either) suspend itself and the satellites would fall, crash, and disable our electronics/technology through electronics.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Fifthly, how would this hypothetical loss in technology lead to cannibalism or an outbreak of chaotic violence and anarchy? Most humans, especially in civilized industrial nations, are lazy and would most likely lock themselves up in their home scared if all the sudden there was a global loss of electricity.
My apologies, my wording was poor in my previous posts. I wasn't trying to say loss of technology would lead directly to cannabalism or any of that. What I was saying, or trying to, was that the world will be in a very bad place, worse than it is now. I do not see the world getting better. And being an awful pessimist, a depressive with secret dreams of one day dictating Russia (for the better!), I do not foresee it getting better on the whole. People starve everyday in mass portions. Sooner or later, it can be theorized easily that they should turn to cannibalism. History repeats itself, right? (I do not remember from Global 10 what war or battle it was where so many people were starving and dead, that they just had to resort to eating each other?) I agree with you 100 percent that the economy boils down to corrption and greed, my response above was worded poorly to say the least, in a ranting style. Astronomy is not directly effecting the economy, I do not believe. But, I theorize, that "astronomy", or whatever one prefers to call whatever the hell goes on with the weather (the tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, volcanos, global warming, melting ice caps, warming ocean water from intense heat from the sun per the broken ozone, drought, all that and more) has much to do with global conditions on the whole. And bad conditons such as listed above, affect the population. The population kind of controls the economy, or whatever money they're given. (Arguably, the middle class controls the economy, but that's a story for another day). So, see what I'm getting at? It all boils down to one thing. Or, I wish it did, so I could have an answer. I'm one of those people.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Sixthly, you refer to history. How can historical events logically effect or be effected by cosmic events (barring the utterly obvious, like we need the sun for plant life, and those sort of things?)
I feel as if I explained that in the above paragraph.


... Stalin had a FANTASTIC moustache.

Formerly known as the Prime Minister of Spain.

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