1. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
I'd love to be a professor of something (something about writing, English, literature, history, analyzing historical figures from a psychological POV, something like that...), but being a full-time prof. takes so much time out of your life, I don't want that. I don't want to be married to my job/career, unless it's as a writer, which I can do on my own time, anywhere.
2. What are your plans for tonight?
Already happened: Went to the horsetrack and lost money. < Rock on. Plans for today, Sunday, is to watch Big Love and go the **** to sleep... Saturday my plans were to be with Mal until we brought him home. Fulfilled that admirably.
3. What's the worst gift anyone has ever given you?
The cliche *** sweaters and ****.
4. Favourite brand of clothing?
I don't really have one.
5. What does your last text message say?
I don't text. I don't like texting. It rots your social skills and ability to actually actively participate significantly in real conversations, face-to-face with actual, tangible people.
6. If you could get a message across to a large group of people. Who would those people be? What would your message be?
I would tell everyone in the world to get on their game, prepare for 2012, and that everyone has to actively participate in fixing the fuc
king world before it ends in a big clusterfu
ckfireballflashfloodtsunamitornadohurricanevolcanoex plosion and we're sucked into the center of the galaxy because we've somehow ****ed it up so badly we've destroyed gravity and there's no pull, or the pull is off and the planet is wobbling moreso than usual, off it's axis and into oblivion. No electronic devices will work, everything will collapse, people will starve in your backyard, the almost-dead will walk your streets, turning to cannibalism, and George Romero will be laughing, holding a cam corder until the earth turns black because all the planets align together perfectly for the first time in 26,000 years and no one knows what the **** to do.