Originally Posted by likuidcoka
ppfft! i dint wanna be adopted anyways!lmao..
i know my way around these here forums, the layout is pretty standard, the only thing a NOobs gotta worry bout here is being a Suck Ass, or tryin to fit in..Or just get along with THe Respectable OLd school MEmbers and MOds..
Its like a Big ol, electric FAmily.
"Noobs" don't have to worry about anything. If you act like a dumbass, you'll be treated like a dumbass. It's a typical thing in every forum that new members get kicked around at first but I can say that it hasn't really happened to me much here so far.
Post like a normal human being, don't act like a dip**** when you get pissed on at random and you'll fit right in. All new people get treated like garbage at first. It's how you handle it and how much you let it bug you that matters, on top of your posts, of course.