1. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
British culture and how to be patriotic - to the British
2. What are your plans for tonight?
Me and my 2 mates will finish a couple of slabs of Tennants.
3. What's the worst gift anyone has ever given you?
A toy cash register/bank. I'm a middle aged man for gods sake
4. Favourite brand of clothing?
Merc: Although not so much since they started getting their stuff made in places like China, Portugal and Madagascar (WTF).
5. What does your last text message say?
I hate texts. I'd rather prevaricate on the phone.
6. If you could get a message across to a large group of people. Who would those people be? What would your message be?
Take it easy and hang loose, life's too short for bitchin and whingeing.
I live the life of a happy man. I just hope he doesn't wan't it back.