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Old 03-13-2009, 10:42 PM   #774 (permalink)
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Gothic Country Mixtape

Pinebox Serenade - Lost Pines

Newer band I found, had a really tough time getting this CD in the less than legal manner. Very well written lyrics with a bit more of a full sound than most bands due to the fact that they have 7 members.

Elliott BROOD - Wolfgang

Arguably the first band that really got me interested in the gothic country genre. This trio from Toronto (wow try saying that 5 times fast) put out their first EP "Tin Type" in 2002 and their first LP "Ambassador" in 2005. 2008 saw their newest, and in my so unhumble opinion, their best work "Mountain Meadows". These guys are usually the first band I use to introduce people into the world of Gothic Country.

Munly & the Lee Lewis Harlots - Big Black Bull comes Like A Caeser

One of the newer bands I was given, but smitten after the first listen. These guys really are the epitome of Gothic Country. This song in particular was one that stood out on the first listen.

Corb Lund & the Hurtin' Albertans - Student Visas

To be fair, Corb Lund doesn't really fit into the Gothic Country sub genre but he's an absolutely amazing song writer and guitar player. If you're interested in history then you'll really enjoy the album this song is off of "Horse Solider! Horse Solider!".

Corey Smith - Drinkin' Again

Again, another artist who could be classified any which way, country, chill out music, folk, etc. I chose this particular song because of the song content, a man who falls off the wagon and doesn't really give a damn cause he's well... drinkin' again.

The Interpestuals - Stow Away

A personal favourite of mine, this immensely awesome but sadly defunct Calgary band is another one I use to indoctrinate people into the wonderful world of alternative country. Only one album, this band seemed to just fall off the face of the Earth, but not before leaving a particular bitter song that everyone can't help but sing along to despite the lyrical content.

O'Death - Angeline

One of the rare O'Death songs that isn't fast paced with a squealing fiddle and pounding drum. Awesome band in general if you can get past the singer's "Hillbillyeqsue" voice.

Two Cow Garage - Folksinger's Heart

Again, another band who isn't truly a Gothic Country, but is awesome none-the-less. This song in particular resonates well with me.

Those Poor Bastards - Sick & Alone

True to their band name this duo pretty much sums up everything that Gothic Country claims to be. Taking country music back to the raw basics these two write some of the most depressing songs I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. With a voice like he's channeling Johnny Cash moments before death, Lonesome Wyatt is one of the pinnacle singers in this movement. Oh yeah and they're both legal Pastors just for added amusement.

.357 String Band - Wishin I'd Die

More of a bluegrass (or blackgrass if you'd like) this group is a very eclectic blend of bluegrass, outlaw country, with hints of the newer Gothic movement. One of my favourite bands for driving.

Gothic Country

I hope you enjoy it.
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