Corrupt that wish
Ok, new game. The person above you posts a wish. You then corrupt their wish and post a wish of your own. Here's an example:
Me - I wish birds didn't poop on my car
You - Granted. Birds no longer poop on your car. However, cows now can fly.
You - I wish I didn't get sand kicked in my face every time I go to the beach.
...and so on.
Some rules:
1) you must corrupt the wish above you
2) you must make your own wish
3) any failure to comply with 1 or 2 earns you an XXS, pink "I Luv Keytars" t-shirt
4) don't be baby when your wish gets corrupted - NO WHINING
I'll start...
I wish everyone loved Michael Schenker's music as much as I do.