Tead, thank you for your score, if you noticed, I scored myself high

in emotion and avarage for structure, and content. This is not auto biographical in anyway. I Really had no idea at first what it was gonna end up like, like most poetry I suppose. With an overall of 6.5 - 7 I'll try harder next time.
Vertical Fiction, Thank you,

I agree with the 4 th paragarph coments, no real flow. I stopped just short of an hour of work on it. I really wanted the suggestions, and the opportunity to re-write and re-submit. I am kinda bummed more didn't read it, I thought Chard or darkcorner would've taken their shots.

oh yeah the thing I'm looking for is scoring in the three areas I put in, emotion, structure, content. From those i get a overall score and will re-adjust accordingly.