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Old 03-12-2009, 01:18 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Talking My point being; as follows,

"Lets just be nice to eachother and help eachother out." It's a nice sentiment, but wholly un-reallistic.
I've seen men who don't care. I've seen what they're capable of. I know people who have anger inside them only. Fact is they're not the people on line posting every day, people who can control themselves, and act within a set of rules, are. My point was, Authority. There is always authority, unless you are in charge, absolute power. We know what that brings. It all boils down to authority and how you want to deal with it. God, Christ, and even the ( best Ricky Bobby voice)sweet dear little blessed Baby Jesus help me out with it. It's my way. I wont deny it.
I don't care who you are, Gunslinger, shmunslinger, everyone needs a good purse.
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