Taking a shot. Hoping for a score.
Lets make it a scale of 1 to 10 by .5's. Shall we?
"Nothing Honey."
Will you be dusting off the Harley now, will the old man ride again?
Will you be making it 'round the bar tonight, will your youth be found in Gin?
Your old best friend is back in town, all the lads will show.
Loudly recalling and slapping the back, of whom they wil not know.
Will you stop by at least one of these nights, before we all have to go?
Will you just stay at home, sitting with her, fearing to let that steam blow?
The questions and motives, of friends of the past, annoy and upset me this time.
Hanging up the phone, and looking at her, knowing I'm staying and drawing the line.
She wants me to go, have fun and let loose,
to forget for a while,that cruel liquid juice.
That now has to flow, in through her hand,
now that both arms, have had all that they'll stand.
Should my freinds just be told the whole Horror story,replete with the big blood spurt?
Would they all just be shocked at their shallowness exposed,
as they find out what it is that is real?
What is my motive in sharing these facts, exceptions made just to hurt?
How will they phathom , how can they see, what it is that I truly feel?
My Best Friends here, asleep and at rest, while my cell phone buzzes away.
I keep my eyes on her awakening face, as I'm gently making my way.
The phone has vibrated off of the top, and down onto the floor,
with a look she askes what it was in alarm, and, I say the same as before...
..."Nothing Honey", is still the same answer I give,nothing I'm willing to show.
Without saying a word she closes her eyes, she loves me, and that is all that I know.
7.5 for effort
9.0 for emotion
7.0 for structure NEXT?
I don't care who you are, Gunslinger, shmunslinger, everyone needs a good purse.