Music Banter - View Single Post - AIR - Premiers Symptomes
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Old 03-10-2009, 10:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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Default AIR - Premiers Symptomes

AIR - Premiers Symptomes (1997)

Modular Mix (5:55), Casanova 70 (5:50) and Les Professionnels (4:29) sounded something like elevator music to me. By that I mean that it was great to listen to it while I was preoccupied with soemthing else, but just sitting and listening to them straight was sort of boring. J'ai Dormi Sous L'eau (5:40) has some really cool sounds around 00:01 minute into. Slightly more entertaining then the first three tracks. Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi (4:49) has beautiful vocals, I'm also liking the instrumental. Californie (2:24) has energy to it alongside more pretty vocals and instramental. Best track so far IMO. Brakes On (4:22) has both energy and a good beat. I enjoyed this track but not as much as the last two.
My Album Overview: Premiers Symptomes was a mildly entertaining experiance. I would say the back end of the album is better then the front, but to each is own. Overall it wasn't like an amazing album, but it did however have its good points. Great background music.
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