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Old 03-06-2004, 11:53 AM   #41 (permalink)
looking long'n'hard
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Posts: 161

How would it of looked to the rest of the world if the 'Greatest Democracy' on the face of the planet had chucked out the wrong result,no one was ever gonna put your country in that position.You would have too much face to lose,especialy when dealing with rogue nations who do not allow there ppl a vote.
I know you know that some of your presidents have had a checkered career to say the least,and your nation has many stories that show your government to act in an underhanded fasion,turning a blind eye to an election result sounds fairly mild in comparison.
The fact is Sadam didn't have those weapons THIS TIME and thats that.He didn't have them.That puts the 'coalition' in the we got it wrong gang.If they find WMD out there now do you think the world will say,oh they did have them after all? Or is it more likely that most ppl will take the view that they 'found' WMD.It's to late to find them now.The lie your president and my prime minister told was that they were ready to assemble in 45 mins.We have been there how long?? We can't find a BB gun!!! They had nothing to find.As you say they had already shot their load over Israel.That was the time to take direct action.
Bush's and Blairs replacements may be no better but dont let the same man keep telling you lies or acting underhanded,because one day you wake up and it's too late.Ask any Iraqi!
Jesus is coming!!!! Look Busy!!!!
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