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Old 03-06-2009, 09:35 PM   #443 (permalink)
#1 Schuldinist.
Voice_of_the_Soul12,13,01's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 420

Worst metal band ever? Tough one, because although there are alot of good ones, there's just as many or even more ****ty ones.

Mainly Slipknot, Korn, Limp Biskit, and most nu-metal. I still enjoy a little Disturbed now and then (And I will say they have improved, not as a metal band, but as just a band).

But what really pisses me off are all these metalcore, deathcore, Bro-Core bands that think it's ****ing AWESOME to get up on stage and play a strict formula of breakdown-fast playing-breakdown-mini "solo" (optional and rarely done, and if done, not well)- breakdown- breakdown+harmony/melody- outro (Which in most instances is another ****ing breakdown). Now, I enjoy the occasional breakdown, but that shouldn't be your ****ing homerun swing. Nothing is impressive about a guitarist playing one palm-muted chord in a rhythmic succession for 2 minutes.

And fyi for all those forementioned bands, your bassist isn't fooling anyone if he's jumping up and down like an idiot and moving both his hands up and down the fret board during the breakdowns; he's still playing the one low string opened, and yes, he's still a retard. Seriously, I see bassists like this and I'm like "Stop playing with your bass as if it were a penis substitute."

Just to clarify what bands I'm talking about;

Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
Most of my area's local bands. I've got retard in surround sound here!
Waking The Cadaver

That's all I can think of. With the exception of one or two bands in my area, almost all "extreme metal" bands in St. Louis suck my erect ****, and not in a way that's worth paying 20 dollars for 5 hours worth of ****sucking.
I don't mean to dwell
But I can't help myself
When I feel the vibe
And taste a memory
Of a time in life
When years seemed to stand still
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