Music Banter - View Single Post - who's the coolest punk-rock band???
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Old 03-06-2004, 07:40 AM   #47 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 201

Originally Posted by marked_as_infernal
I'm into a bit of punk,Against All Authority,Thrice, Sick of it All, Avenged Sevenfold, Thursday(is that even punk?), but what pisses me off most... is as someone mentioned before, how punk is turning into a fashion , more than people appreciating the music.
So many girls walk around my town, wearing black and pink shirts reading 'Punk Couture' or whatever and it's like wtf?
If they were true punks then they obviously wouldn't be wearing clothes labelling themselves....
First, those are ok bands, and no, Thursday isn't punk (however much they rule anyway), But the whole punk fasion isn't anything new, it's been here for like four years already. I say let the little shi ts be angry at the world, and when the next cool thing to do comes around, we can say goodbye to them. I personally find it amusing how many 14 year old girls are so angry at how bad they have it living in nice houses with good cars and all the clothes they can buy from hot topic. But oh well, I suppose you have to rebel somehow>?
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