I am in agreement on some points Tore, but what do you think about living off the grid, solar power, wind driven, deep wells, hydroponic nurseries, barter and trade skill for skill, building your neighbors house so he provides you with fresh meat for a couple years, farmers who can trade veggies for eggs, or fruit for blankets, that kinda stuff? I daydream about self sufficiency because it's hard to see a future that doesn't end up in chaos. Corrosion of Conformity said, Free dope and fu@king in the streets; a possible utopia exists almost instantaniously, (best forest gump voice),now i don't know about all that Jen-ny. would your society have a code of ethics that must be followed, how will you deal with those that don't? If my life depended on you i'd help you as much as i could. Society, what it should be.......

benefiting, to whom? All. I think i'll lace up my vans and go for a skate in my little fantasy land, i'll say high to the unicorns for you,

and when i see the Yukon, I'll stop.