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Old 03-03-2009, 08:24 AM   #64 (permalink)
Oedipus Next
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
The track 'Helicopter Head' did absolutely nothing for me I'm afraid and if you have been getting Alice In Chains comparisons in the past then that's probably why as I cannot stand those 'melodious' grunge bands.
hey jack-

That's a completely valid criticism and I understand
how 'melodic grunge' {well put; I give you that ;p} will polarize listeners.

Also you have a mature taste in music and eclectic one too as evidenced by your Skinny Puppy thread and others I have read by you and I thought were cool.

I'll PM you with a few recommendations; I would guess you would be much more into the mini EP with ska, techno, and experimental music.

Thanks for taking the time to listen - I have taken the band away from much of the AIC influence, "Helicopter Head" is one of the few remaining exceptions ;-)
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