Originally Posted by ixtlan22
Well first off I think that its just an all together great tune. So for me at least, it basically transcends lyrical content unless it was totally off. As for that last bit in bold there.... you ever done any psychedelic drugs? You sure couldn't ask for anything more than a girl and a blue sky if the mood is right!
Wait - you think Joplin's version of Summertime is a great tune, or the other Gershwin song that I mentioned? *is confused*
Yes... but I'm trying to say. There was a movement in aforementioned era... or there was an alleged, political movement. And those lyrics lack soul to me, lack caliber and substance. Now I completely understand that back when they were originally written that wasn't their purpose at all, and for their day and age, sure, they're fine. So was Guys and Dolls (and Damon Runyon could lick you all at the races

). I'm just saying it seems a bit ironic to me that in this "movement", these people would find this guy appealing. Or did they even? Did they just think Summertime (Joplin) was a good tune or what?