Originally Posted by sleepy jack
That comment was a (sort of) inside joke between Wayfarer and I and just a continuance on what he referenced.
The top percent in this country have been controlling 90% of the wealth, they've been getting tax breaks and an easy ride and they've been he ones robbing America blind; not the poor. The lower and middle classes have been the one picking up the slack the Bush tax cuts left behind, they've been the ones shrinking into poverty and trying to make it. Your idea of working class millionaires and welfare queens is ignorance defined. Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter and go outside more.
Thats Great that you talk of big business as robbing the Gov blind cause i was actually talking of ppl who make over 100,000 k a year. But since you brought up big buisness getting tax breaks i will put it like this. Ok big buisness has a product to sell and ppl buy it putting all kinds of tax money up for grabs so if they get a tax break i dont think it compares to the mass quantity of taxes that there company put back into the economy So how is that robbing?
People who do nothing all day and collect a check at the end of the month and have food stamps and all that gov assitance are actually robbing to gov. The programs out there are not long term they are supposed to be used in the short term but ppl who are lazy or just plain suck abuse the system and make those making an honest living get taxed more just to now not only pay for there big screen but there health care as well. I guess basically im sick of anyone that makes an honest living supporting those that would rather take from the pot without putting anything in...
Now have i answered your Question Sleepy jack or am i still wrong?