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Old 03-01-2009, 08:31 PM   #8 (permalink)
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I was going to quote the folks I was addressing but the comments are too numerous to quote and direct my fury at.

first of all, you can't tell what bias a website has because thats obviously affected by your bias.

MSNBC is the leftier group
Fox is the right-leaning group.
CNN is in the middle of those two.

As for the "cynical democrat" comment, only a pro-survivalist would look at the current situation and say "no you know what, the rich man...he's doing alright by the little guy."

Where do you live? And do you meet people who don't have a ****ing pot to piss in? I work non-profit and as part of my job, i meet the worst this economy has coughed up on our doorsteps.

I just don't get this simplisitc "if you just live your life correctly, everything will be fine" mentality.
I've moved to a new address
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