Originally Posted by toretorden
I do know those Dagobert comics! Actually, I reread through the whole series like a couple of months ago and I used to collect them when I was a kid. They came with these stickers you could put on this poster with a family tree on it, great stuff. I also love the little details that Don Rosa would draw into his cartoons.
Don Rosa! excactly, I just looked him up. never seen the stickers, but as a kid I also collected all these Mickey Mouse magazines, and when it was time to throw them all away, I cut out those Don Rosa pages and kept them. I should really reread them aswell.
Originally Posted by toretorden
so we made a wiki where we write about stuff that we've done, places we've been and ideas that we've had so that we won't forget them completely. More people should do this, really.
that's nice, mm.. I should suggest that..
Originally Posted by BoopieJones
I like!
Originally Posted by BoopieJones
"If everyone else does it, its okay if I do it too!"
Originally Posted by FireInCairo
Here's some paintings I've been working on
Sorry they are so large, and the colours are a bit off.
I'd buy that! (maybe)
Originally Posted by skeletorrz
some flowers outside of my aunt's house

never, ever, liked pictures of flowers that much, but that picture is great!