Films that are good but not the masterpieces people say they are.
Unforgiven: I dunno but I feel this movie is awfully preachy, the movie itself has a pretty clear anti-violence message, so why does Eastwoods character have to directly remind us every couple of minutes that violence is bad?
Billy Elliot: I just had some serious problems with the way this story was told, you may call them little things but it really bothered me. Certain characters would come along, like the girl Billy falls in love with, and then she just disapears. The film also tried to cover too much ground and there were too many dead ends, it could have spent more time trying to get us to understand WHY it's Billy's dream to be a dancer, I feel the character wasn't well defined enough amd the film got a little too caught up in the miners strike subplot that I really didn't care about. I felt Stephen Daldry couldn't decide weither to make a sentimental or emotionally distant film and it's like he tries to do both, this is a common trait for all of his films it seems.
Terms of Endearment: It's a good tearjerker, but 4 stars? Really?
Momento: I liked it but like Nolans Batman films, it's quite overrated. It's one of those films where the ending makes you feel a little cheated, though like The Usual Suspects that's probably the point.
Usual Suspects: I felt it lacked the character development that could have made it a much better film.
My Own Private Idaho: I don't feel this compares to Van Sants Drugstore Cowboy or Good Will Hunting, so I don't quite get why so many consider this his best film.
LA Confidential: It just didn't blow me away like everyone said it would, maybe I need to see it again.
Films I just hate or would never care to see again.
Moulin Rouge: Great visuals. Ok. What else? How about the grating musical numbers and obnoxious characters?
Shakesphere in Love: So how much money did Miramax shell out for this turd to beat Saving Private Ryan for best picture? Because it must have been a fortine.
Natural Born Killers: Awwwwwwwwful. And I'm saying this as a Tarantino fan. The guy just can't do social commentary very well. This is a film that shamelessly indulges in the very acts of violence it supposedly decries.
I'm Not There: Wait. Todd Haynes is our new great director? Are you kidding me? What a pretentious piece of pat on the back wankage. I HATE this film.
The Hours: What a boring piece of crap. I've seen this ground covered before, and just because the film dosen't wallow in sentimentality dosen't make it refreshing. I didn't care about anyone of the characters. This was truly a chore to watch.